Shameless Shoe Whore

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November 30, 2006



It is so beautiful to have dreams, and even more impressive to understand that they take time.

When you do own that home you MUST have this book:
Dare to Repair: A Do-It-Herself Guide to Fixing (almost) Anything in the Home By Julie Sussman & Stephanie Glakas-Tenet

It is girrrll-ishous!

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  • Jessica Ashley
    That's me. I'm a single mama in the city who is an editor, writer and social media host. I wear inappropriately high heels to the playground and know too much about light sabers.
  • Lil E
    Star Wars-obsessed, Tae Kwon Crazayyy child who eerily/awesomely knows exactly how both high-fructose corn syrup and autopsies work. He also compliments my shoes. My work here is done.

I wrote this.

  • Don't gank the grrrl.
    It is mine. All mine. Everything written here is copyright me and only me. Do not even think about using it without permission. OK, now back to nice grrrl me.